Acupuncture in a
Food Therapy Self
Care Health
Let food be your medicine. ~ Socrates
Let food be your medicine. ~ Socrates
Stop aches, spasms,
cramps and pain
Family Business Story
Our family has been
sharing our miracle Traditions of Tao Tonic Oil for over 20 years. My
mom, sisters and I joined Tradition’s of Tao, a Network Marketing Company founded by the Ni
brothers, Drs. Dao and Mao Shing Ni in 1989. We
formed a family business had fun going to the weekly free lectures that Dr.
Maoshing Ni gave every week at the new Yo San University facility which started
with one student! We shared the knowledge we learned about the Superior
Food-grade herbs and food therapy stories at health fairs and the Black
Business Expo every year staring in 1990. We became members the Traditions of
Tao first President Club. It was a wonderful and exciting time. Our last event
was in 1995 after I was accepted into Yo San University Traditional Chinese Medical School Masters Program.
of Tao Tonic
Oil is an herbal essence broad-spectrum food grade formula, which opens
channels and collaterals to increase circulation of Qi/Chi (vital life force),
energy and blood. We use the Tonic Oil in our Food Therapy Program. Traditions of Tao Tonic Oil is a food and this is what makes it is safe for babies, children and for oral use. By 1995 most
of the Yo San students were not aware of Traditions of Tao or the many benefits for the Tonic Oil use. I
volunteered to give free lectures at Yo San to share what I learned from Dr.
Mao and educate anyone interested on the benefits of Tonic Oil. I named it Acupuncture
in a Bottle after using it in the clinic.

HOW IT WORKS: Our Traditions of Tao Tonic Oil “reads” the symptoms and cools when there is internal heat and warms when there is internal cold. It is great for internal burning from Chemotherapy as well, I learned this from my youngest sister who had chemotherapy for breast cancer. With the superior food-grade herbs, an alkaline diet, juicing green leafy vegetables and another whole food XANGO brand mangosteen juice puree my sister recovered under my care in 2004 without radiation. Many of my clinic patients and later my own clients, including my sister added Traditions of Tao Tonic Oil to tea or put it on their tongue to relieve the internal burning sensation. It is very good for all burns and sprained ankles preventing blistering and swelling, if used immediately after the burn or injury.
SPORTS MEDICINE: My son Shaheed Abdullah focused on sports medicine at Yo San and we both used it on family members with basketball, football, baseball, tennis, golf and a host of other sport injuries. Many patients told us of their pain relief and how made massage and acupuncture treatment a great experience. For severe pain or injury we used the WOODLOCK Oil.
TONIC BENEFITS: Increases oxygen in the blood;
provides fast, temporary relief of cramping and spasms, body aches, headaches
and joint pain even in damp weather. Tonic oil provides relief for aching
muscles and feet; earaches, stomach ache, bruises, congestion, sinus, sunburn,
abrasions, boils, abscess and pimples.
Temporary relief for toothache gums, bleeding gums and burning tongue.
Additional uses include stimulate scalp for hair growth. Use the Traditions
of Tao Tonic Oil for just about everything. Caution for Eye Therapy will advise upon request.
Food Therapy for Everyone!
Safe for baby: Baby oil safe for teething gums and earaches; cold or flu massage chest,
back of neck, spine and put in nose. Place a drop in Ancient Treasure tea and put into a bottle. Babies
love it. Mild for children: Calms trauma, bruises, scrapes and scratches. Strong for
adults: See above. Safe
for pet too! Massage
cat or dog aching joints and spine.
our strong medicinal grade oil used in martial arts for pain. (Not for children)
Use Only (1.7 oz) - $16.95
Wood Lock Oil
You for Your Business
Love and Light
To Your
Health with Self Care Health Care
Prosperity Doctor